Shapes & Stripes

Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf

100% Crepe de Chine silk scarf featuring geometric figures in gray, silver, white and black, on a yellow background. Size: 14" x 69" (36 cm x 175 cm).


This silk scarf has been been sold and is no longer available for purchase.

If you would like to have a similar-looking scarf hand painted for you as a custom order, please send an email to with details.  Please include a link to the exact scarf you would like to have re-created for you.
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 1 Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 1
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 1
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 2 Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 2
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 2
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 3 Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 3
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 3
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 4 Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 4
Yellow and Gray Hand Painted Silk Scarf - photo 4